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Engineering Atoms
Engineering Atoms
at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2015
Department A-Z
Why are we Engineering Atoms?
Why are we Engineering Atoms? Overview
Engineering atoms inside the jet engine: the Great British Take Off
What is Materials Science?
What is Metallurgy?
What is an Atom?
How does a Jet Engine work?
What is an alloy?
Our Exhibit Overview
Memory Springs
The Scanning Electron Microscope
Metals Up Close
Metals Up Close Overview
Turbine Blade - Nickel Superalloy
Compressor Blade - Titanium Alloy
Videos Overview
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Deforming Calcite
Articles Overview
How is a Jet Turbine Engine like a Baked Alaska?
What do Diamonds, iron, salt and chocolate all have in common?
Fun and Games
Fun Facts Quiz!
Try at home
Prize Winning Competition
Who are we?
Who are we? Overview
Our Research
Connection to Rolls-Royce plc
How we became Materials Scientists
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Contact Us
Come and see us at the Royal Society Summer Exhibition 2015
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Thanks to Rolls-Royce for giving us access to their media, and to the EPSRC for our funding!
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4 Carlton House Terrace, London
Read more
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Follow ENGINEERING ATOMS on: Twitter @Eng_Atoms shadowrocketwindows版本
Email us at: eng-atoms@msm.cam.ac.uk
Find our on videos on our Youtube Channel
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Learn more about materials science at: http://www.doitpoms.ac.uk
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